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Ode to Anal: Why?

April 23rd, 2008 · 32 Comments

Yup. Wendy’s going to wax poetic about anal again.

What?! I can’t help myself. I love it. Everyone knows that.

I’ve gotten phone calls from friends “Hey Wendy! We were talking about anal sex the other day, and we all thought of you!” What makes it even better is that these were *vanilla* friends, and this was before I had even had so much as a finger up my ass. This has been a life long obsession.

But….why? What is it about anal sex that calls to me?

It is obviously part physical.  It feels really good to have a cock in my ass.  It hits my g-spot better than vaginal sex.  The way I am built and programed, I am more likely to have an orgasm from anal intercourse than vagina.

There is the feeling of having my fingers or hands in someone else’s ass too.  So much tighter than a pussy, yet able to take in as much as well. Its warm and tight and all sorts of delightful things!

When I’m physically penetrating my partner, most of the time I am not being touched myself. But it physically and mentally arouses me.  I’ve gotten up after fingering Sebastian and been so wet that my juices were literally running down my thighs. Something about it switches a flip in me that turns on something primal, something very visceral.

Ah, and the rush I feel after fisting someone? Divine. It also comes with a sense of accomplishment for me. I have successfully and safely navigated the waters of putting a fist in a small, tight, intimate orifice. I have helped bring the other person along that path. That is part of what large insertions are to me – a challenge to be navigated by two people. It takes trust on both parts, communication, and lube. Lots and lots of lube.

I can’t truly describe what it is about anal sex that I love so much. Every since I heard about it, it’s been something that fascinated me. People think its the taboo nature of anal that makes it appealing to me, as it does for many other people, but for me, it goes way beyond the idea of deviance. It is the ultimate intimacy.

My partner anally penetrating me is one of the most intimate moment I can share with a person. I really have noticed that the closer I feel to a person, *or* the more emotional I’m feeling, the more I desire it for its intimate aspects. For example, I had a very emotional night with one of my friend-lovers. We hadn’t been in touch for a long time, and I missed our friendship. I’ve also been feeling rather lonely and emotional lately, and after fooling around a little, I started crying. Thankfully, he is an awesome guy, very understanding, and stayed the night with me. We slept, and then woke up, and started having sex. It was wonderful and sweet and for me, a little emotional. While I enjoyed what we were doing, I also strongly desired to have his cock in my ass.

For me, so much of it is tied up with my thoughts and emotions. Having something big in my butt is fun, but the IDEA of something big in my ass is just as appealing.  Working one fist in Sebastian’s ass is fucking amazing, but the idea of, and talking about, putting both in his ass is…damn.

I’m much more verbal during anal sex than I am during other sex.  I need to talk about what I’m doing while I’m doing it. I need to hear about it.

Really, for me, it was the first, and one of my foremost, all encompassing sexual acts. Anal touches all the nerves I want, and need for something to be hot. I really can’t explain how or why.

Its taboo and nasty and disgusting and messy and slutty and beautiful and intense and spiritual and physical. Its challenging, its a journey, its deeply personal and arousing beyond all reason. It is so much of what I understand sex to be. Its the tops. Its the bee’s knees.

It is my hands down favourite sexual act.

Ah anal, how I love thee.

Coming soon in the Ode to Anal – Anal and dominance/submission; Sebastian and the Anal Bond.

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Tags: Anal · Ode to Anal · boys · fingering · fisting · my ass · pegging

32 responses so far ↓

  • 1 mnwhr // Apr 23, 2008 at 11:21 pm

    You make it sound so damn hot!

    mnwhr’s last blog post..Wifey vs Wife

  • 2 marcelloNYC // Apr 26, 2008 at 10:35 am

    That is utterly beautiful and my sentiments exactly. On a side note, I have never been fisted nor been the fistor, but it has always intrigued, scared and aroused me, and your description of “helping bring a person along that path” makes it feel a little less scary.


    marcelloNYC’s last blog post..Ambiguously Bi Guy Update: The Verdict’s In!

  • 3 Thursday's Child // Apr 26, 2008 at 11:07 pm

    What a wonderful tribute to the delights of anal sex! Personally, while I try to resist the allure of anal sex because it’s so taboo, I always give in because it just feels so damn good!

    Thursday’s Child’s last blog post..Kinkerbelle made me do it.

  • 4 Catalina Ramirez // Apr 27, 2008 at 8:30 am

    Anal with the right person is the best. I agree.
    I have discussions with a friend, a straight man, who has never had anal. At 23, he’s hardly done ANYTHING! I digress… the point is, he can’t even imagine why anybody would want to do such a thing. I can’t imagine why anybody wouldn’t.

    Nice post. I love anal, but I’ve never written an ode. You win. :)

    Catalina Ramirez’s last blog post..Catalina loves Sexy Sex Kitten Satine

  • 5 Wendy // Apr 27, 2008 at 8:34 am

    Thursday’s Child -Ah, who can keep away from that siren’s call? hehe

    Catalina – A man who can’t imagine why someone would want to have anal? I’ve….never met one. My boyfriend at 16 was trying to talk me into it, that little perv. :)
    You should send him my way. I’ll learn him some anal.

  • 6 marianne // Apr 27, 2008 at 11:02 am

    I loved this. And I love anal sex. What you described about the physical aspect — how the g-spot is hit and how the orgasms are more intense — that’s exactly right, for me. And the level of intimacy is incredible.

    I can’t imagine anally fisting though… just seems impossible. Which means I really must try it. ;)

    marianne’s last blog post..J.

  • 7 Svetlana Ivanova // Apr 27, 2008 at 2:12 pm

    “It feels really good to have a cock in my ass.” Exactly, though I wouldn’t say I’m more likely to orgasm from anal sex than vaginal sex. The first time I had an orgasm from anal sex without touching myself, I was just as surprised as the first man I pegged was when he ejaculated without any touching of his penis. I agree with Catalina: “I can’t imagine why anybody wouldn’t” want to have anal sex.

    Svetlana Ivanova’s last blog post..6 Types Of Sex Women Enjoy

  • 8 Patrick // Apr 27, 2008 at 4:46 pm

    What I can’t imagine is how the allure of a beautiful asshole can be lost on a man, it is the most wonderful place to stick your cock, or your tongue for that matter.

  • 9 Wendy // Apr 27, 2008 at 5:26 pm

    Marianne – I’ve only orgasmed from penetrative sex alone three times – two of ‘em were from anal. As for fisting…I haven’t had it done to me, since I’d rather be the fister, but man, it is fun. Def. try it!

    Svetlana – We’re all different. I’m so anally oriented, I’m def. more likely to orgasm from anal, lol. But I know what you mean about the surprise. I’m so used to not coming w/o aid, and when I did, I was confused as all hell, and my partner was very smug.

    Patrick – well, some people are silly, and don’t like assholes. To each there own. :)

  • 10 Svetlana Ivanova // Apr 28, 2008 at 6:03 pm

    Smug doesn’t begin to describe my partner’s reaction when I came from anal sex. You’d have thought he’d invented it. I only wish I’d known about pegging back then.

    Svetlana Ivanova’s last blog post..Orgasms Cure Hiccups

  • 20 Ellie // Apr 29, 2008 at 9:30 am

    Ha! I am that person (the one they associate with anal) with my friends as well. I just can’t help bringing up at mundane moments.

    Ellie’s last blog post..Silly Scribbles (Twitter) for 2008-04-28

  • 22 Wendy // Apr 29, 2008 at 9:37 am

    @ Ellie – Ha! I know what you mean. Sometimes, anal sex is a great way to perk up the mundane.

  • 30 Kelly // May 7, 2008 at 4:06 pm

    the part about you dripping down your thighs while fucking or fingering him in the ass is exactly the way i feel about it. its such a turn on!

  • 31 marcelloNYC // May 29, 2008 at 9:48 pm

    One of your posts has just been awarded the sexy post favorites award. To find out what post visit my Sexy Post Awards

    marcelloNYCs last blog post..hApPy hAlF-nEkKiD tHuRSdAy

  • 32 Bill // Jul 8, 2009 at 4:05 pm

    Anal sex is the best way to go.


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