Heart Full Of Black

02 May

Friday Links - Public Health

So, when do I get to say I told you so?

(I know this is a sex blog, but public health and vaccinations are a passion of mine.)

CDC:Measles Outbreak Linked to lack of Vaccinations
Sixty-four cases of measles have been diagnosed in the United States this year, the most in seven years, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.


3 Confirmed Cases of Measels in Grant County, WA
OLYMPIA, Wash. — The Washington State Department of Health says three confirmed measles cases in Grant County raise concerns about the possibility that other people may have been exposed.

Hundreds Potentially Exposed to Rubella
Officials said they have confirmed six cases of measles and two cases of rubella in the Milwaukee area.

Protecting Your Child from Improper Vaccinations
Vaccinations are a childhood ritual and provide vital protection against diseases like measles, mumps, rubella and polio, which can be extremely dangerous for young children. But a report, issued today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, found an alarming 28 percent of toddlers have not been vaccinated according to U.S. guidelines.

And those are just from this week. Get the fuck vaccinated, and vaccinate your kids. These diseases are *not* gone just coz we don’t see them here. TB’s making a come back because we let our guard down and shut down all the TB clinics in the 80’s. Granted, we were dealing with the onset of the AIDS crisis, but TB is pretty bad in and of it self, especially now, since there are Multiple Drug Resistant Strains floating around now. (Because of people not getting to finish their rounds of medication.)

One Response to “Friday Links - Public Health”

  1. 1
    Grump Says:

    You tell ‘em Wendy.

    Silly superstitious pseudoscientific morons not getting their kids immunized because of the same bullshit that sells colonics (which are fun, don’t get me wrong) and toxin extracting foot pads.

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