About Me

I’m Wendy Blackheart.

So. Who am I?

I’m 24. I’m fucking awesome. I mean, I have a pink and silver sparkly paisley cowboy hat. How could I not be awesome?

Want to tell me how awesome I am? Have a question? Want to try to date me? Need to get in touch with me for any other reason? I welcome emails.

The best way to get in touch with me is via email.

Wendy . Blackheart @ gmail . com
I’m on OKCupid, Fetlife, andMyspace and you can message me through those places, but I absolutely loathe their message systems. Email is best.

I do not instant message with people.

I won’t have cybersex with you, or write you dirty stories.

I won’t give out my phone number.

100 Non Sexual Things About Me

Now. Some bio stuff.


Wendy Blackheart.

if you want to be proper, Ms. Wendy O. Blackheart.

And yes, it is Ms. I don’t care for Miss, and I won’t be a Mrs. anytime soon. I’m one of *them*. I even correct people when they refer to me as Miss Blackheart.

Obviously, its not my real name. (Honestly, if you thought ‘Blackheart’ was my real surname…) But it is the name I prefer to go by.

I did not choose to be Wendy. Lily, of Living Somewhat Dangerously, gave me the name, because she felt that I ‘looked like a Wendy’.

I liked it though. While not outlandish, Wendy is still a rather unique name. There are not many Wendy’s out there.

If you’re into this sort of thing, my position on the ‘LaVey Synthesizer Clock’ is roughly that of a 7:30-8:30. LaVey included a list of names that suit those on the bottom of the clock (3-9’s), and Wendy was on it.

It just seemed to fit. Like a second skin. So I stuck with it. I actually feel more comfortable being called Wendy than I do being called by my ‘real’ name.

The O? Well, I always kind of dug Wendy O Williams. I’d really love to wear a chain-mail bikini and destroy a car with a chain saw.

Blackheart came last.

I never really pondered a last name, until I started setting up things asking for my last name, and I didn’t really feel ‘O’ would be a suitable last name.

Since I already had the blog titled ‘Heart Full of Black’, ‘Blackheart’ wasn’t all that far away.

It also pleases my Gothic sensibilities.


I studied Mortuary Science. Yup. I used to touch dead people. I even have a degree in it, though, I don’t have my Funeral Director’s license. I have one more test to pass. I don’t work in the business anymore.

No. I have never had sex in a coffin/in the funeral home/ in a cemetery. Its much less sexy when you know the people in the business. I would not want to get caught fucking in a cemetery by Tom, the caretaker, who knows my boss and comes to our Christmas Party.

As for the coffin - do you know how much time I spent dusting and vacuuming the casket display room!?! Do you really think I’m going to risk smudging, denting or scratching those caskets?

But yes, I have lain in a casket. They’re rather comfortable.

I can also find the carotid artery with my eyes closed.

I could probably hide a body better than anyone you know.

My dead peopleness pops up now and then. I’m not bad at hauling around people bigger than me, and lifting up dead weight for mummification.

I’m also very difficult to squick out. Once you’ve been covered with someone else’s blood and guts, who’s dead, and you don’t know, things tend to bother you less.

Now, however, I go to school and study English and Anthropology, which I’m double majoring in.

I like these much better than the dead people. I was never really a hard science person.

I eventually want to be a librarian. I’m really much better suited for that line of work. I’m currently working on a double B.A. in Anthropology and English. Its good times.

What do I do when I’m not blogging or fucking?

Well…lots of stuff. These days I’ve been going to lots more BDSM and Sex Positive Events, and making new friends and hanging out with old ones.

I read. A lot.

Fiction, Non fiction, kids books, adult books…You name it.

Some fiction favourites: Harry Potter, The Black Jewels Trilogy, Discworld, American Gods, The Mists of Avalon, His Dark Materials, Gone with the Wind, Lord of the Rings, The Inkheart Trilogy, A Streetcar Named Desire, Smoke and Mirrors, Fragile Things, Old Possums Book of Practical Cats, Lord of The Flies, I am Legend..all sorts of Fiction.

As for non fiction, I like Biographies, True Crime, Historical Romance, Poetry by Aliester Crowley and Stan Rice, books about diseases and other medical things, especially weird medical things, like conjoined twins and the elephant man, ect.

I have a particular interests in Fairy Tales - I collect The Andrew Lang Edited Coloured Fairy Books, specifically the ones from the 1950’s. I tend to snap up any interesting looking collection I can, along with collectible fairy books.

I also collect tarot cards. I read using the Rider Waite deck, but I have about twenty different decks that I study from. I firmly believe that there is a deck of tarot cards suited for everyone.

I do counted cross stitch and needle point. I do some other crafts, here and there. I also love to bake.

I’m kind of like Susie Homemaker, on crack.

So, tell me about your rats!

Yup. I’m a rat lady. I own seven rats at the moment, 3 girls (Esme, Gytha, and Little Miss V) and 4 boys (Crispin, and Harry, Jack of Tails and McFly). I had four other boys who passed away (Boris, Buck, Anton and Odin, poor babies)

Why rats? Well, at a very bad point in my life, I was, despite having many friends and a wonderful boyfriend, very lonely, very depressed, and I wanted a pet. Pets help. Cats were not allowed in my building, plus Thing 1 hated ‘em. Jerk.

So, at the urging of a fellow ratlady friend, I went for rats. I’ve always liked them. They’re small, furry, and can live in a cage. Plus, they’re smart and adorable. I love my furkids, and they love me!

One Response to “About Me”

  1. 1
    marcelloNYC Says:

    That was an awesome description of yourself., and we have a lot of similarities. I also learned what a “LaVey Synthesizer Clock’ is; I had to google it.

    Thanks for the comments - I giggled, because sometimes I wish i was a lesbian with a strap-on.


    marcelloNYC’s last blog post..Ambiguously Bi Guy Update: The Verdict’s In!

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Heart Full of Black by Wendy Blackheart is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
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