I love getting the chance to review books – I’m a voracious reader, a book whore, and in this case, I’ve been dying to get my hands on a copy of “The New Topping Book” for my own nefarious purposes. I’ve only come into myself as a top in the past year, and at times, I find myself floundering. When that happens, I tend to turn to books, as I always have. However, the majority of the books on BDSM I found were more technically oriented, towards physical skills. Now, this is good, and I often like those books – however, not quite what I was looking for. And books like the “Mistress Manual” and “How to be a Dominant Diva” offend my sensibilities and rub me the wrong way.
I am very late with this review, and I must apologize to my friends at Sex Toys.com, but I’ve had such a hard time putting this book down! Dossie and Janet are fantastic writers, and then pass their wealth of knowledge on to us in an easy to understand, friendly way. They also manage to get their thoughts and opinions across without appearing ‘Kinkier than thou’ or condescending. (This is probably because the authors are full of win.)
The New Topping Book talks about a whole bunch of great topics – what we as tops get from topping, responsibilities and rights of a top in terms of what is expected of us and what we have a right to expect from a partner, communication and the ever so lovely consent.
They also touch lightly on BDSM and consciousness, and playing more on the dark side of things, how and why someone might want to do this, and how it interacts with our conscious and unconscious minds.
Honestly, The New Topping Book is FABULOUS. Simply fabulous. I am so happy I finally read it. It helped me out with some issues of my own with my toppiness…and there are a few really great hot stories sprinkled through out the book as interludes. If good solid information alone isn’t reason enough to get this, those are a lovely bonus!

15 responses so far ↓
1 Joy // Mar 9, 2009 at 9:31 pm
I love this book. A friend of mine gave me her old copy, and even though I primarily (read: 95% of the time) bottom, I really thoroughly enjoyed and benefited from it. After all, one can learn a lot about being a good bottom by reading the literature for tops. :-P
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