It all started, even though I didn’t know it, with this ad.
See, a friend of mine, Hypnogirl, saw this ad for ice cream. Then she went and added “being fed cake while on your knees, blindfolded” on her fetish list on
After I saw that, I went “OMFG, that is the GREATEST FETISH EVER! I need to do that! I want to feed someone cake!” I then added it to my own fetish list, and twittered about it.
This sparked a conversation about being fed cake on your knees while blind folded between Mina Meow and I, where somehow we decided to do it at the Suspension after Winter Fire. There was going to be cake there, you see, because it was another girl’s birthday. (February is the coolest month to be born. Mina and I are both February babies too. See? Very cool month!) We had talked about it for at least a week before hand. We brought drop cloths and everything.
So at some point during the night, the cake was passed around, and I snagged Mina to do the deed.
We managed to blindfold her without knocking too many feathers off her back, and I started feeding her the cake.
Honestly? This is quite possibly one of the hottest things I’ve ever done. I have a feeding people thing (I’m Italian. We all have a feeding people thing.), but I also have a *feeding* people thing. I want to have a boy literally eating out of my hand. So feeding Mina was hot!
Then, I started to get messy, and smush the icing around her face, on her cheeks and chin and nose. She squealed and made faces, and went to her Little place, and it was so adorable.
After the cake was gone, two of our friends who were watching (including her super hot, awesome kisser ex) started licking the cake and icing off of her, and kissing, and oh lord, was that hot to watch. Everyone was on their knees so they could reach her, and I was standing above them watching it all.
It very much fed into my ‘people performing for my entertainment’ fantasy. I like that, lol.
I took my turn licking some cake off of Mina as well, but none of the kissy face making out stuff. She’s like my sister, and certain things are kind of weird. Like, I can put half my hand inside her while another friend uses a vibe to get her off at her birthday gang bang find, but making out with her would be kind of weird.
Oddly enough, she mentioned after at one point she thought I was one of the people kissing her before she realized it was her superhotex (I have no name for him, so superhotex it is!) and was also confused. But it was all good.
I also really enjoyed that people were watching, and seemed entertained. I really love when people like what I’m doing. What? I’m an exhibitionist with an egotistical streak. (I’m an Aquarian with my moon in Leo. Its all I can do to not jump on a table screaming “Look at me! Pay attention to me! I’m super cool and unique and interesting!”)
I so can’t wait to do something like this again. Feeding people is sexy, and powerful. I’d love to have a whole nice meal with a boy kneeling next to me who I hand fed while I ate my meal.
I also enjoyed the messy part of it. I kind of get why some people dig messy play, and I would totally love to pie someone in the face. It could be both fun, sexy, and humiliating.
Anywho, it was definitely one of the top highlights of my night at the first Suspension party I went to. (The other was beating a boy until he bled. I didn’t *mean* to make him bleed, but got was it hot.)
Coming soon, my Winter Fire adventures, and some ragingly hot anal sex with Sebastian!
3 responses so far ↓
1 hypnogirl // Mar 22, 2009 at 9:26 pm
Oh man I want to do this so bad now. Next time I am in a room with you and there’s cake, can we make this happen?
2 Wendy Blackheart // Mar 22, 2009 at 10:38 pm
Shit yeah!
3 StacyCat // Mar 24, 2009 at 2:47 am
First balloons, now messy :) We shall convert you to more fetishes!
This sounds hot, I’m sorry that I missed it. If I get to Summer Camp, I will be planning a messy scene :)
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