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Review: Tenga Double Hole Sleeve

May 4th, 2010 · No Comments

So, a few months ago a friend gave me a Tenga Egg to try out. I loved it, and the boy loved it.  However, we sort of broke it on his penis. So I was very excited when I had the oppourtunity to review the Tenga Double Hole Sleeve.

I had the boy all tied up and blind folded while I was playing with him, and I decided to use the Tenga Double Hole Sleeve (hence forth known as the TDHS).

It came with a reusable sleeve warmer. It worked like those light up necklaces you used to get at the roller rink – crack it, and wait for the fluid to activate. It got warm very quickly, and I left it in the toy for about five minutes while I played with the boy a bit more.

That part worked very well – I stuck my fingers in the pre-lubed holes, and the TDHS was pleasantly warm but not overly so.

Now, it came to using it.  For the most part, I found it a bit unwieldy to use on Anon – I can’t wrap one hand all the way around it, and I was a bit lubey, so it was a little slippery.

It also made a rather unpleasant schlicking noise while we were using it. It was very distracting.

I also didn’t really like the lack of intimacy the TDHS created – yes, I know its a jack off wanking toy, but that doesn’t mean you’re going to always be using it alone.  With the Tenga Egg, I was able to feel Anon’s cock through it, I could see it, and I enjoyed that bit of intimacy. While I can see the appeal of a toy that doesn’t feel like a hand, or really involve a hand, I do like feeling a bit more involved with the sex that I’m having. However, this may just be a me-thing.

The last thing that I didn’t really care for was that I couldn’t figure out how this thing was supposed to get clean. With the egg, I could run it under water and turn it inside out to clean out any semen inside. With the TDHS, I wasn’t sure what to do. Since I wasn’t really feeling the toy anyway, Anon didn’t come inside of it. (Actually, I don’t think he came at all that day….mwahahaha)

On the upside, Anon said that the toy felt nice on his cock. His exact words, when I asked about how he liked it and how the different sides felt were
“uhm I was blindfolded luv and I don’t know the sides you used or how to describe them other then one felt warm and good, and the other good and tight. It was nice but the squishy sound was very distracting. “

Over all, it was a decent toy for its price bracket and what it was, but I’d rather use a Tenga Egg over the Tenga Double Hole Sleeve.

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