This photo is actually from the first set I took for Half Nekkid Thursday. I had planned on taking new photos tonight of the new nighties and lingerie thing I bought, but I’m really cranky today. I had a cervical biopsy this afternoon, and I’m in achy, icky pain and feeling out of sorts.
But Jim makes it all better.
My doctor said “You might want to avoid sex tonight.” after he finished up. What he should have said is “Your vagina is going to shut down, and essentially punch you in the face. Good luck.”
I haven’t even been able to put my Nuva ring back in. Stupid cervix. If I didn’t think I might need you one day, I’d be really really mad.
The last time I saw him at the office it was much more fun. He’s a very young, very polite Asian man - if he weren’t my doctor, I’d so hit on him. For whatever reason, he needed to put a finger in my ass for part of the internal exam.
He’s talking me through it, all quiet and soothing as he’s doing it. “Ok now Wendy, I just need to put a finger in your bottom. It might hurt a little but…” boom. He was in, no trouble, not even a wince from me. He was surprised.
I was like ‘Dude. Two nights ago I had a man put four large fingers in there, among other things. You got nothing.’
Maybe I shouldn’t be *that* honest with the doctor.
The only good thing to come out of this is now I have a photo of my cervix. Who wouldn’t want that?
Hopefully either this weekend or closer to next week I’ll get to take new pictures. I have this really pretty polka dot lingerie thing I bought. It makes my tits look bangin’.
14 responses so far ↓
1 osbasso // May 28, 2008 at 11:51 pm
Seems to be alot of cervix checking this past couple of weeks around the blogs. Hope everything’s negative!
osbassos last blog post..Brown-Eyed HNT
2 Vixen // May 29, 2008 at 12:06 am
…love the ink!!! sexy.
Vixens last blog post..Sexy Little Thing -HNT
3 ms.inconspicuous // May 29, 2008 at 2:14 am
A photo of the cervix? Do I sense a new HNT next week? *wink*
Seriously though, that’s too funny. You’d think that most doctors would be beyond shock by now. :)
Happy HNT!
ms.inconspicuouss last blog post..HNT: Twisted Edition
4 Amorous Rocker // May 29, 2008 at 2:37 am
Cervical biopsy just sounds like it would hurt like hell. Ouchy. I feel for you. I hope the aches and pains subside soon. That’s probably more honest than most doctors would want you to be, haha. Happy HNT
Amorous Rockers last blog post..I can feel you all around me, thickening the air I’m breathing…
5 Curvaceous Dee // May 29, 2008 at 3:24 am
Owie indeed! *gentle pettin’s* Hope you feel better soon, hon.
HHNT, xx Dee
Curvaceous Dees last blog post..Undressing HNT
6 marcelloNYC // May 29, 2008 at 8:51 am
Hope you are feeling better, and back to your sexy self soon!
Can not wait for Wed. muaah!
marcelloNYCs last blog post..hApPy hAlF-nEkKiD tHuRSdAy
7 Joy // May 29, 2008 at 9:33 am
You know, as much as the cervical biopsy SUCKS (Hope everything comes out Absolutely OK, btw), I am _not_ one to complain about another Jim-heavy pic. I mean, really. He looks like he’s reaching out to spread your legs. And that’s just sexxy.
Joys last blog post.."But the May Day is the Great Day"
8 Essin' Em // May 29, 2008 at 9:43 am
I want a photo of my cervix! The whole reason I had extreme restraints send me a speculum was because I wanted to see it (doctors always tell me how great mine is; one told me it was 11 on a scalre of 1-10). Post it??
I do like the picture though…feel better.
We need to talk about my impending trip…
9 lapis ruber // May 29, 2008 at 11:34 am
That’s an interesting viewpoint. Sorry to hear about the discomfort - times like that I am glad not to have to undergo such procedures. Hope you recover soon. Happy HNT.
10 Greg & Sheryl // May 29, 2008 at 2:28 pm
It’s an interesting coincidence that your Jim Morrison poster is being featured today, because just last night Greg was reading about him and Pamela Courson. Your tattoo makes for a nice foreground in this shot. Happy HNT!
11 Eric // May 29, 2008 at 4:17 pm
I myself am certainly enjoying the view. I don’t mind a rerun of sorts - and Jim makes it all better as you said. ;-) Looking forward to seeing your polka dot number, sounds fun.
P.S. Ridiculous stuff - much enjoyed - and who doesn’t want pictures of the internals of their reproductive system?
12 Thursday's Child // May 29, 2008 at 10:29 pm
Oh poor baby - I hope you feel better and soon. There’s hardly anything worse than having aches and pains in one’s “bajingo”! Plus, I can’t wait to see that new lingerie. I’m a fan of “totally bangin’” tits!
Thursday’s Childs last blog post..Glass and Lace HNT!
13 Wendy // May 30, 2008 at 12:58 am
@osbasso - Huh, I didn’t know so many other bloggers were getting their cervixes (what is the plural of cervix, anyway?) checked too.
Here’s to being negative! Whee!
Aw, thank you! It was my first tat.
Lol, that might be a little TMI for even me. We’ll see if I can get it scanned.
Lol, you’d be surprised to see how shocked drs can get. I just explained medical fetishes to my G.P. She was confused.
@Amorous Rocker - It’s exactly as unpleasant as it sounds. But it could be worse too. Lol. I didn’t mean to be *that* honest. It just sort of slipped out, hehe.
@Curvaceous Dee - Thanks doll!
@MarcelloNYC - hehe, I can’t wait for Wednesday either. ^_^
@Joy - Jim makes everything better, doesn’t he? Lol. Think about this - every man who has sex with me in my own bed has to compete with Jim over us. Some of them freak out. They know they aren’t Jim. However, one guy gave him a thumbs up. (He was rocking two of us at the time, lol)
@Essin’ Em - Lol, I’d love to have like before and after shots, when mine gets back to normal.
I think we should all see our cervixi. They’re pretty cool. If I can scan it, I’ll post somewhere - I don’t have a scanner, and my roomie can’t exactly bring that to work, lol.
@lapis ruber - Thanks! I guess it’s a trade off - I get my cervix poked at, but getting whacked in the balls hurts pretty bad too. :(
@Greg & Sheryl Says: What a coincidence! Jim pops up random like that, lolz. Thank you!
@Eric Says:
Thank you sweetie. :)
The reproductive system is fun to see from the inside. I remember the first time I ever saw ovaries IRL. They’re so tiny! Like quarters!
@Thursday - Thanks my friend. ^_^ also, Bajingo - best phrase for vagina ever! I love it!
Aren’t totally banging tits awesome? I love yours!
14 Patrick // May 30, 2008 at 3:30 pm
“I was like ‘Dude. Two nights ago I had a man put four large fingers in there, among other things. You got nothing.’
Maybe I shouldn’t be *that* honest with the doctor.”
Of course you should, you probably brightened his day. Hearing people be that candid about such things always tickles me at least.
“@Thursday - Thanks my friend. ^_^ also, Bajingo - best phrase for vagina ever! I love it!”
Isn’t it great, I first heard it on Scrubs, Elliot is so funny.
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