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A Fistful of Dreams: What I Did On My Summer Vacation

September 9th, 2009 · 2 Comments

Well, if you can call a three week break from school that included a death in the family, a sick relative AND my own nasty cold a vacation…so lets call the months of July and August my summer vacation, shut the fuck up, and leave it at that, ok?

Got it? July and August. Good.

So I found myself doing lots of fisting this summer. I fisted three different people in a variety of orifices. In one case, it was two people, three orifices total, in less than 24 hours. I am a fisting mack.

At least in my head.

I must say, most of them were absolutely excellent times. Fisting was the highlight of my weekend at the Floating World! I was lucky enough to play with two people who were fairly new to anal fisting, and help them along their fisttastic journeys.

The first was the lovely Mollena! We had talked about getting together for some fisting the last time Mo was visiting New York, but alas, in NYC, you can’t just go to a dungeon and start fisting. Sometimes, that counts as sex, and there is No Sex in the Dungeon. Or laughing. But mostly sex. So we shelved the fisting until we both found out we were going to TFW.

The sling was pretty full most of the weekend, but we found a nice little niche in the curtained off women’s area of the dungeon.

For a first timer, Mo did a great job. Plus, she has ridiculously awesome orgasms to watch.

And the next day, she gave me truffles! Nothing says ‘Thanks for putting stuff in my butt’ like Godiva Truffles. With hazelnuts. (Take note of this boys – you can, in fact, bribe me with chocolate. The good stuff. With hazelnuts.)

I also got to make a new friend, and I got to fist that person at FW as well – both orifices! Whee!

I have to say, the negotiation for that scene was some of my hands down favourite negotiation ever. We were at dinner with some friends, when he mentioned he was currently exploring and working towards anal fisting, when I said ‘OMG! I do that! I love to fist!’

That lead to this exchange:

Him: “You fist? Lets fist!”

Me: “Sure!”

Him: “Later tonight?”

Me: “I have another fisting and a massage – lets see how my hands are, and we’ll see. Or else tomorrow.”

Both of us: “Yay fisting!”

That was the gist of it, anyway.

It was quite interest too, because I had never played with a transboy before either. Actually, I had no idea he was trans till he told me. I tend to be very accepting of what I’m told and I see. If, when we meet, you tell me you’re a boy and you use male pronouns, then that is how I will see you and think of you. Same goes for girls. The only time my brain starts to waver and melt is when I’m trying to talk to my parents about transpeople.

Anyway, it was a new experience, and it was totally fun and hot. We made some great steps in working out his butt, and like I said, I love working with people along their butt paths.

Also, I just want to say something about fisting really quickly – people seem to have this idea that fisting isn’t successful, in either hole, unless you’re in to the wrist, hand clenched.

This is most definitely not true. Its like saying sex isn’t sex with out a penis. Or if someone doesn’t have an orgasm. Everyone is built differently, and things are going to fit, or not fit, in different ways. Not everone is going to get a hand into them to the wrist. Not everyone is built on the inside for a fist shaped hand. Honestly, to me, whatever happens is a success. Its the journey, not the destination.

The whole fisting at the Floating World, by the way, lead to a great conversation with my ex Daniel. Whenever we talk after an extended period of silence, he likes to check in on how much I’m getting laid. Lately, there hasn’t been much penis in vagina sex in my life. I’m busy with school, after all, I don’t have my own place to entertain, and I’m just so tired sometimes.

I’m not even really thinking about sex with boys all that much. Kink starts to take a back seat during school as well. Sometimes, all I want to do is curl up and day dream about Gambit and Wolverine before falling asleep.

Anyway. While I haven’t shagged anyone since, uh…May? I have been fairly consistently fisting. (I mean, its fun!) Daniel commented “You do a lot more violating of orifices than you do getting laid” to which I replied ‘Its not violating if they hug you and give you chocolate when your done.’

Also, consent. Yeah. That is a good thing too.

A side note – one of the things we learn about in school are body mechanics, and how to use our bodies without stressing them out too much or hurting them. This is a good thing, and I find myself correcting my movements during daily tasks…and sometimes while topping.  And I at one point this summer, I caught myself pondering a way to fist and keep my wrist in proper alignment while I do it. I don’t want to hurt my money makers because of my hobbies!

Back to your regularly scheduled fisting post.

I also did a fisting at TESFest. I wasn’t totally happy with it, mostly because I felt the bottom seemed so eager to fist that he was ignoring what I consider basic safety.  This person wanted me to fist them deeply – well past the wrist.

Now, this is something I think it quite hot, and I’ve never gotten to do, which I explained to them – that while I have a fair amount of fisting skill and knowledge under my belt, particularly in the anal variety, that I have never gone beyond the wrist, or left the rectum/sigmoid colon area. But that I was willing to try.  And he was happy with that, and went off on a quest to find long gloves. I only keep basic black latex in my toy bag (which reminds me, I need to buy purple nitrile. I have blue, but I like purple better….and I need lube too. Oye.)

Anyway, when he came back from his quest for elbow to shoulder length gloves, he could not find them. (Which got me wondering at FW. Kinky Medical was vending at both events, and I saw the long gloves there at FW. Maybe they didn’t have them when he asked at TESFest, and they brought them to FW? Anyway. Whatever.) I figured, hey, we can still do regular fisting! That’s still fun!

However, he suggested we could still deep fist if I wore a glove and then, get this, wrapped my arm in saran wrap.

Do I even need to explain why this is a bad idea? I shouldn’t have to.  When I declined this, rather than going ‘Ok, she says she’s not comfortable, lets see what we can do’ he tried to convince me some more. Eventually, we settled on the regular fisting, and it was a pretty decent time. Fisting happened, people enjoyed themselves, end of story.

But I don’t really like when someone tries to convince me to do something I don’t consider safe after I decline. It irks me. (its right up there with people who list their dislikes as ‘hearing the word no’, and the word ‘guyliner).

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Tags: Anal · Daniel · Kink · TESFest · ass · boys · broads · fisting · friends · topping

2 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Jen // Sep 10, 2009 at 7:33 pm

    I must commend you on paying attention to body mechanics! Isn’t it fun when stuff overlaps? =D

  • 2 Jocasta // Sep 14, 2009 at 8:31 pm

    Thanks for the terrific massage!

    I think a class on body mechanics would be a good thing. You ought to think about putting that together.


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