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My new cock - a review and thoughts on gender

April 25th, 2009 · 6 Comments


I was lucky enough to review the Soft Pack from Babeland.com - I was super excited! I’ve always wanted a cock of my own that I could wear out in public. I have to say, it is SO realistic. It looks just like a real cock - though a thoroughly American one. All of the soft pack cocks are circumcised, which I found funny, but oddly telling about the pervasiveness of circumcision in our culture. But I won’t star that fight now.

But it feels so nice and real when you touch it. The balls have a nice weight to them when you touch them, and when you squeeze it, it feels like a real flaccid cock. When I’m wearing it, I really feel that I have a dick, that it is mine, and that it is part of me. I feel the weight of it, I feel the balls shifting and the bulge of my cock. Its fucking awesome.

The only slightly difficult part was figuring out a way to wear it. The material seems to be similar to cyberskin, which is great for making something that feels like real skin, but not so much for being pressed up against my flesh for an extended period of time, especially not over my cunt. (In the past, I’ve been prone to yeast infections, so like to make sure everything is breathing and healthy down there.) The first day I wore it over my panties, but under a pair of stockings, which worked well for the time - but I don’t always wear stockings. So, I bought a jockstrap. This worked on two levels - first, it was an excellent way to hold my cock in place over my panties, and second, it helped me figure out where to place it.

I have the cock in a medium, which is about 5″. As far as I know, most men do not have a five inch flaccid cock. (While unrealistic, it does match up with the metaphorical cock in my head. Plus, I can slap it on the table to end an argument.) All of a sudden, I had a ton of dick to fit into a fairly small space. I swear to god, I had no idea how to walk with it at first, and where to put it all. Do I pull the dick of straight, pointing towards my belly? But then I look like I have an erection all the time. Do I fold it over? Do guys do that? Holy Jesus, this bulge is huge. It feels huge. Does it look huge? Do I look like I have an obvious package? Jesus, I need to itch, and adjust and shuffle things around.

I imagine that this is what it must feel like to physically have a cock and balls. A few days of wearing it, and I suddenly understood why men are always adjusting themselves! They have so much going on down there. I have a new respect and understanding of it now. Adjust away boys!

The most amazing part for me, was the sense of power I had my cock on. I felt GOOD. I felt fucking *hard*. I felt powerful and right. I so ought to have been born with a cock. I loved the weight of it between my legs. I loved touching it, and feeling it there.

What was weird was what I didn’t feel. Mina had mentioned that when she was wearing her cock, she had at one point felt unsafe, felt the reality of transphobia, and the fact that she could very well be hurt for fuxoring with gender norms and such.

I’m not sure why I didn’t feel anything like that. I didn’t feel fear, I didn’t feel uncomfortable (other than the fact that my jockstrap was a little snug around the waist. I got one on the small end, since I’m losing weight so fast). Perhaps its because I don’t identify as trans. I have always been comfortable as a cisgendered girl, and for the most part, I present as a cisgendered femme.

There is a part of me, deep down, that strongly identifies with gay male leather culture, but I think part of that is a) a lack of good femdom porn and dominant female roll models and b) the fact that gay leather men are AWESOME, and I want a motorcycle hat, leather vest and chaps so hard. But I don’t actually want to BE a boy. I like being a girl, and I’m comfortable with it.

But fucking with gender is fun. I had the most fun wearing my dick with a skirt. I wall all pretty, made up, big hair, and then BAM, penis! I was kinda sad that you *couldn’t* see my dick. I want people to notice it. I do, but I don’t. I mean, its my business. I don’t want strangers grabbing my junk, but I almost want people to notice it, the way people notice my tits when I show ‘em off. I don’t know.

But I like knowing its there. Its like my little secret. It makes me a little giddy. You know when you get laid in the middle of the day? You have a hot fuckin’ nooner, crazy wild sweaty sex, maybe a little perverse and kinky. Maybe you’re heading off to do some delightfully horrible things to a boys ass. Either way, you’ve got to get there and back. I take the subway, and I love that trip there and back - when you know you’re going to be doing something fun and naughty, and you want to tell everyone else on the train, but you can’t. So you sit there with a little Mona Lisa smile, anticipating, or maybe smelling like sex when you’re all post coital and fucked.

That’s how I feel wearing my dick.

Maybe its because, in my mind, I’ve always had that cock. Hell, in the past, I’ve grabbed my girl junk like there WAS a cock there. Because I feel so comfortable, I assume everyone else will be comfortable. I’ve spent most of my life being stared at - I was a goth kid, I wore velvet gowns for no reason, I wore black lipstick, and stuffed horns and too much jewelry. I was always being looked at askance.

Now, I run around with no bra, a pentacle around my neck, big fuck off boots and the occasional bad attitude. I’ve got a big ass, big hair, tight jeans, and too much lipstick. I still get weird looks. Maybe I’m just used to it at this point.

But I don’t fear. I don’t know why. I’m not saying that’s a good thing - maybe I should be more concerned about that sort of that. Its not like I could actually hold my own in a fight. I’m all big talk. I’m really a big fuckin’ pussy. So who knows.

Either way, I absolutely *adore* my cock. I really hope that if YOU want a cock, you go and get it. Its awesome.


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Tags: Kink · friends · gender · my cock · reviews · thoughts · trans

6 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Janie Blooms // Apr 25, 2009 at 7:57 am


    I loved this post for so many reasons. I have never gone out and about in public with my cock on, but I have enjoyed just wearing it around the house while I got ready, putting on my make-up, blow-drying my hair, lotioning my legs and so on and so forth. I LIKE mixing my femininity with my cock-ness. It does feel right!

    This really really made me want to do just what you did. Jock strap and all.

    I also loved how you addressed the rest of your outward appearance–from your goth velvet past, to your current boots and big ass. The whole post feels celebratory, proud, and exciting.

    Congrats on your new toy. And thank you for this.

  • 2 Bad Bad Girl // Apr 25, 2009 at 10:19 am

    This was a really great review. While I’ve never gone anywhere in the strap on I have, and have never thought about getting a packing cock- it’s intriguing.

    I really enjoyed this post, thanks for sharing these thoughts.

  • 3 Mina Meow // Apr 25, 2009 at 1:20 pm

    Wendy… indeed, I think the 5″ flaccid indubidably, that matches your “my dick is bigger than yours” personality. :)

  • 4 StacyCat // Apr 25, 2009 at 2:36 pm

    I really loved the “Hey, Stacy, grab my crotch!” statement that you said in person :) It was full of awesome.

  • 5 Wendy Blackheart // Apr 25, 2009 at 3:28 pm

    @Janie - Dude. Just going jock strap SHOPPING is worth it. Online. Yum.

    And I’m so glad you enjoyed the post. Something about me having a dick makes me even more verbose than usual…

    @BBG - thanks! and you should check out these packing cocks. They feel *so* real, and they’re a good price.

    @Mina - hehehe. My dick IS bigger than yours.

    @Stacy - Haha, I did that to everyone that night. I really wanted people to feel my crotch! Thanks for grabbing my junk. <3

  • 6 Molly Ren // Apr 25, 2009 at 3:37 pm

    ” I take the subway, and I love that trip there and back - when you know you’re going to be doing something fun and naughty, and you want to tell everyone else on the train, but you can’t. So you sit there with a little Mona Lisa smile, anticipating, or maybe smelling like sex when you’re all post coital and fucked.”

    Oh, yes! Yes, yes, yes!


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